[11:45 PM – A quiet park, the city lights twinkling in the distance. A girl sits on a bench, lost in thought, when a guy walking past pauses near her.]
Noah: Didn’t expect to find someone else out here this late.
Lena: Same here. Most people are asleep by now.
Noah: Or inside, at least. You don’t seem like you’re waiting for someone.
Lena: I’m not. Just needed some air. What about you?
Noah: Couldn’t sleep. Thought a walk might help.
Lena: And did it?
Noah: Jury’s still out. But finding someone to talk to wasn’t in the plan.
Lena: Plans are overrated anyway.
Noah: You sound like someone who prefers surprises.
Lena: Not always. But sometimes, they turn out better than expected.
Noah: Like now?
Lena: Maybe. Too soon to tell.
Noah: Fair enough. So, what’s keeping you up?
Lena: Just thoughts.
Noah: Deep ones or the kind that don’t really make sense?
Lena: A mix of both. You?
Noah: Mostly the kind that won’t let me rest.
Lena: Sounds serious.
Noah: Not really. Just… one of those nights.
Lena: I get it.
Noah: You come here often?
Lena: Sometimes. It’s quiet, no one asks questions.
Noah: Except me.
Lena: You’re the exception, then.
Noah: I can live with that.
Lena: So, where were you walking before you ended up here?
Noah: Nowhere in particular. Just letting my feet decide.
Lena: And they brought you here.
Noah: Maybe for a reason.
Lena: You believe in that?
Noah: Sometimes. You?
Lena: I think some things are meant to happen.
Noah: Like this conversation?
Lena: Maybe. Still deciding.
Noah: Guess I should make it more interesting, then.
Lena: Go ahead. Impress me.
Noah: Alright. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be?
Lena: A small cabin near the ocean. Just the sound of waves, no distractions.
Noah: Sounds peaceful.
Lena: It does. Your turn.
Noah: A rooftop, overlooking the city. Watching the world from above.
Lena: You like heights?
Noah: More like I like perspectives. Everything looks different from a distance.
Lena: That’s true.
Noah: But tonight, I wouldn’t change where I am.
Lena: Smooth.
Noah: Honest.
Lena: If you say so.
Noah: I do.
Lena: So, what happens now?
Noah: We keep talking. Until we don’t want to anymore.
Lena: That might take a while.
Noah: I don’t mind.
Lena: Neither do I.
[Midnight settles in, but the conversation continues, effortless and unhurried. The world outside fades, and for now, only this moment exists.